Handling Multi-Part Material
Before checking out multi-part material to a patron, verify that there are no missing parts.
Check for missing parts before checkin. Also check to make sure the correct items are inside and that personal items have not been returned by mistake.
Missing Parts
Do not checkin items with missing parts. Contact the patrons and advise them of the missing parts. Do not return material owned by another library until the unit is complete. Return to the owning library only if the missing part is considered lost.
Lost Parts
Do not checkin materials that have lost parts. Notify the patrons that they will be billed for lost parts. If the item is owned by another OWLSnet library, return the item in an envelope with all the details noted. The owning library will bill the patron.
Damaged Items
Do not checkin damaged items. Notify the patron that they will be billed for damaged items. If the item is owned by another OWLSnet library, return the item in an envelope with all the details noted. The owning library will bill the patron. Please refer to the Damaged Items Procedure for more information.