At the last AAC meeting we agreed that we would change the wording of the Overdue Notices from:
The following item(s) are overdue. Please return them promptly.
If you have questions, please contact the library above, or contact
the library where you borrowed the items.
Items may be returned at any OWLSnet library. For a list, see the
Library Directory under the My Library menu at
The following item(s) are overdue. Please return them promptly.
If you have questions, please contact your library.
It may be possible to renew online at:
I am waiting to make this change until after the Encore 4.5 update, currently postponed. This update will make changes to the Encore Mobile Login. After the update I will have a better understanding what, if any, accommodations need to be made to provide a login link that works for both mobile and desktop users. If it does not look like this update will happen soon, I will investigate other options so that we can make this change.