If a lender has updated a request to "shipped" and you haven't received it within the number of days profiled (usually 7), the request will automatically move to the "not received" status in your request manager. This action is to alert you that there is a problem with this request.
- Open the request to the full view and check the history information to find the date the item was shipped.
- If the request was updated to "shipped" more than two weeks ago, contact the lender immediately.
- If you need assistance locating lender contact info, email WISCAT staff at wiscat@dpi.wi.gov. Provide your library name, WISCAT code and the request number.
Remember, it is in the borrowing library's best interest to resolve these issues quickly. The borrower is responsible for the item from the time it leaves the lending library to the time it arrives back at the lender.
Copied from DPI Google Doc: Ill - Resolutions to common Resource Sharing Issues
Note: The borrowing library should not change the status to "Lost." Only the lending library should update to "Lost."